Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Fifth Fascicle
Author: Hüseyn Hilmi Işık
Format: eBooks
Publisher: Hakikat Kitabevi
Category: Belief and Islam
Language: English
Length: 512 page,  12-18 hours

Various aspects of Hanafi Fiqh are explained, e.g., zakat, ramadan, hajj, sadaqa-i fitr, Qurban(sacrifice), Iyd(Eid), nikah(marriage), death, janaza, burial, visiting graves, condolence, isqat and knowledge of faraid. This book is a translation of Se’âdet-i Ebediyye, which was originally written in Turkish. The Turkish original of the book Se’âdet-i Ebediyye consists of three parts, all of which add up to more than a thousand pages.

We have translated most of the book into English and published our translations in six individual fascicles.

Se’âdet-i Ebediyye is a book prepared according to the Hanafî Madhhab. There is not a single bit of knowledge or a word which contradicts the creed of Ahl-i Sunnat wa’l Jamâ’at in this book.

This is the fifth fascicle. We pray for the help of Allâhu ta’âlâ, so we may have it reach our dear readers.


This book awesome. I recommend everybody to read.

Ahmed Kween

Thank you

İ wish i could meet writer



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John Edward

Realy Endless bliss

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Tony Harold

Thank you so much...

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A believer


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