Author: Hüseyn Hilmi Işık
Format: All Format
Publisher: Hakikat Kitabevi
Category: Belief and Islam
Language: English
Length: 128 page,  3-4 hours

This work, Belief and Islam, originally was written in Persian under the title I’tiqâd-nâma by Hadrât Mawlânâ Khâlid al-Baghdâdî, a profound ‘âlim of Islam and a specialist in ma’ârif of tasawwuf. Hâji Faydullah Effendi of Kemah, a khalîfa of great walî Mavlânâ Mahmûd Sâhib, the brother of the author, translated the book into Turkish and named it Farâid-ul-fawâid which was printed in Istanbul in 1312 A.H.[1894]. Our bookstore had it translated again from the Persian original into Turkish and, some explanations and three chapters, published it with the title Imân ve Islâm in 1966. German, French and Arabic versions are also published by our bookstore. This book, explains five fundamentals of Islam, six fundamentals of îmân and the contemporary information about the matter and refutes those who are against Islam and those who are lâ-madbhabî.

The great walî, the treasure of Allâhu ta’lâlâ’s blessings, superior man in every respect, the master of unattainable knowledge, the light of right, truth and religion



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These books enlightened my world. I learn true Islam with them.


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I learned true islamic knowledge these books. I found answers to a lot of questions that in my head inside of these unique books. May Allah bless who made efforts for conducing to write and helping to reach us these books. May their services be permanent.


This book bring peace to my life

This book bring peace to my life


Real Islamic Book

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A fascinating book on the fundamentals of faith

Joseph Lingo

Great workout - Priceless Books for Life

I see true islamic knowledge these books. I found answers to a lot of questions that in my head inside of these unique books. May Allah bless who made efforts for conducing to write and helping to reach us these books. May their services be permanent.

Björn Poulsen

Never lose your hope

Hi my name is Björn Im 26 y.o. and Im Sweden. First, I want to explain my situation I was tired and I had some psychological problems, by the way I was christian then I became atheist because I wasnt me ,I was lost my mind and I didnt want to live anymore and the reason that I became atheist is I was lazy ,yes I was lazy I didnt wanted to believe something then my life started to get worse and one day , I was drinking beer at my balcony and I saw 2 muslim girl they were happy I think they were over 19 y.o whatever they were really happy, to be honest I never saw a happy people that much because u know sweden is quiet country there is too many suicide situation in here so I was surprised and I just watched them 10 minutes then I drop my beer and went to my computer I wrote Islam and I started to search . then I wanted to get islamic book but I couldnt find any book in my city so I started to surf on the net after I search an hour then I found a website called 'gofreebooks' then I clicked it then I chose book and read it. And I once I started to read I couldnt get my self out because it was , book wanted me to read him and in every sentence I learned something that I didnt know, it was a light showing me the door and if u open the door and walk through u will find the true way, and thats what I did I finally find the true way, I was completely reborn , I opened my fridge and take all of my beer and I throw them in to trash oww man I cant describe u that feeling if u would see me before I became muslim u would say 'r u a human' but if u would see me now u would say 'u r looking perfect' Alhamdulillah. Never lose your hope look at me I was going to die a pig but then I reborn and now Im going to die a true human.and I also learned Quran. Im so happy , and I dont know how to thank this website if I could send money to them I would give all of my money because this books cant be buy with money take care find the true way.


Reading every day.Thanks

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