The Rising and the Hereafter
Author: By Imâm Ghazâlî
Format: eBooks
Publisher: Hakikat Kitabevi
Category: Hereafter - Death
Language: English
Length: 112 page,  2-4 hours

Allâhu ta’âlâ pities all the people on the earth, and sends them the useful things He creates. He has taught the entire humanity how they should act and behave so that they may lead a life of comfort and peace in the world and in the Hereafter. Choosing some of the people whose deserved destination in the Hereafter is Hell, He will magnanimously forgive them and bless them with Paradise. He, alone, creates every living being, makes every being maintain its existence every moment, and protects all against fear and horror. Trusting ourselves to the honourable Name of such a being, Allah, we embark on writing this book.

May hamd (praise and gratitude) be to Allâhu ta’âlâ! May infinite thanks be to Him for the blessings and favours He has showered on us! If any person offers hamd to any other person at any place, at any time, in any manner, for any reason, all the hamd and gratitude will have been offered to Allâhu ta’âlâ. For, He, alone, creates all, trains and disciplines all, and makes all sorts of goodness done. He, alone, is the owner of power and might. Unless He reminds, no one will be able to opt to do or even desire to do anything, good and evil alike. After the slave opts for something, nobody can do even a mote of good or cause any harm to any other person, unless He, too, wills it and gives the power and chance to do so.



i was thinking of afterlife but know less regarding it. it must read for everyone who wonder about afterlife and im pretty satisfied

Stefan Wohlfarth

Book received today, thank you.

"The rising and the hereafter" was the book I ordered two weeks ago. Today I received it with spending not even a penny. Thank you so much. Very eager to learn how the Islam teaches the life after life. Stefan Wohlfarth, Freiburg, Germany.


thank you so much

İ start to pray with this book

Seyhan Y

the hereafter

In this book you can find information about what will happen after death and about the hereafter. It's a real eye opener for all of us. As Imam al-Rabbanî (quddisa sirruh) says: "Dying is not a calamity. Not to know what will happen after death, is a calamity."

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