Sahaba 'The Blessed'
Author: Imâm-ı Rabbâni Ahmad Fârûkî
Format: eBooks
Publisher: Hakikat Kitabevi
Category: Sahaba The Blessed
Language: English
Length: 560 page,  12-20 hours

At the beginning of the book (The Blessed) superiority of Ashâb of our prophet, Muhammad ´alayhissalâm, is explained along with how unjust and ignorant are those who defame Ashâb-ı-kirâm. Besides, the meaning of ijtihâd is explained. In the part of cautioning, an answer is given to the book (Hüsniyye) written by an enemy of Islam. In another part, biographies of great savants of Islam - hadrat Imâm-ı Rabbâni and hadrat Sayyed Abdülhakîm-ı Arvâsi - are explained. In the part Two Apples of the Eye of Muslims superiority of hadrat Abû Bakr and hadrat Omar is explained; in the part The First Fitna in Islam events between Ashâb-ı-kirâm are explained beautifully from the pen of hadrat Imâm-ı Rabbâni Ahmad Fârûkî Sarhandi who explains that to love all of Ashâb-ı-kirâm is a fundamental condition of being Ahl-i-sunnat.


İnteresting and very useful. Thank you.

Zaishaa Khan

Masha allah, Alhumduillah for this beautiful knowledge (to all those who wants to gain knowledge about islam) Jazak allah hu khair. Allah bless you always

Su Usta

Very important book

This is very important book for the Muslims. I have read this book a week ago and ı have been very excited.

Jhon Hardy

Everyone should read this book

Books that truly nurture the soul


Great lessons those who were closed to the Prophet, sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem...


Allah bless you. These books are free. I recommend them all my friends. Thank you gofreebooks.


Great islamic scholar

I was very impressed when I first read it.



Very good book


I want the book

Can I have an offline copy of this book


Very nice book

it's really very nice... i learned many things

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