Author: Hüseyn Hilmi Işık
Format: Audiobooks
Publisher: Hakikat Kitabevi
Category: Belief and Islam
Language: English
Length: 5 page,  15 min

May Allâhu ta’âlâ honour us all with the great fortune of following Muhammad Mustafâ ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’, who is the spiritual Master of this world and the next and who is the highest of all people in every respect. Because Allâhu ta’âlâ likes those who obey and follow him, a tiny act of following him is more exalted than all the worldly advantages and all the blessings of the next world. Real superiority consists of adapting oneself to his Sunnat, and the honour and virtue of humanity entails following his Sharî’at. [The word Sunnat has three different meanings. In this context, it means the Ahkâm-i-islâmiyya (Islam’s commandments and prohibitions).

Lejla Vikalo

Thanks for this book.

Brendy Jay

Everyone should read this book

There are very accurate determinations in the book, everyone should read these articles.


Real islam

Dont say I learned in Islam without reading these books


The Most important

This knowledge is the key to the most important.


Thank you so much

I learned a lot this book

Hakan Gürsel

Bu kitaplar İslamiyeti anlatan gerçek kitaplar ehli sünnet alimlerinin yazmış olduğu kitaplardan nakledilen bilgilerle derlenmiş



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