Author: Hüseyn Hilmi Işık
Format: Audiobooks
Publisher: Hakikat Kitabevi
Category: New & Noteworthy
Language: English
Length: 2 page,  5 min.

Islam is a religion which encourages every branch of knowledge, every branch of science and every sort of experimentation. Muslims like science and believe in the experiments of scientists. But, they cannot be deceived by the slanders and lies of false scientists, who pass themselves as scientists.] Disbelievers destroy and annihilate Muslims when they are able. Or, they mislead Muslims onto a path which they have made up...

Aibdi Rahmat

buku yang baik

buku-buku yang baik untuk dibaca sebagai ilmu bagi umat Islam dan untuk menambah wawasan berpikir

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I want to learn about my religion.

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