Are Atheists smarter than these people?
Author: Hüseyn Hilmi Işık
Format: Audiobooks
Publisher: Hakikat Kitabevi
Category: Belief and Islam
Language: English
Length: 17 page,  34 min.

Should only things seen be believed?
In  communist  countries,  in  order  to  demolish  the  faith  and morals  of  the  people,  teachers  in  schools  and  officers  in  the  army say  to  the  boys,  girls  and  soldiers,  “If  Allah  existed,  we  would  see Him.  He  would  hear  us  and  give  us  what  we  want.  If  you  ask  me for  candy,  I  will  immediately  hear  you  and  give  you  what you want. Ask  Him,  you  see  He  doesn’t  respond.  Then,  He  doesn’t  exist. Your parents  are  ignorant.  They  are  backwards  and  old-fashioned. They  are  retrogressive.  But,  you  are  open-minded,  modern youngsters.  Never  believe  such  superstitions!  Paradise,  Hell, angels  and  genies  are  fables.”  Through  such  lies,  they  try  to annihilate  youngsters’  îmân,  manners and  sense  of  shame,  which they  acquired  in  their  fathers’  homes.  Deceiving  these  poor children,  they  sacrifice  youngsters  for  the  sake  of  their  base desires,  pleasures, and  evil  earnings.  By  saying,  “Who  on  earth  has seen  Paradise  and  Hell?  One  simply  shouldn’t  believe  things  that are  not  seen.”  They  expose  the  fact  that  they  follow  their  organs  of perception...

Omar the citizen


Salam alaikum everyone. My name is Omar and I live in the States. I have discovered this site and wanted to say that these books are very informative and very good for your soul. How do I know that I feel in peace when I read it and when I read it at bed I get knocked instantly and my mama always used to say that devil doesn't want you to weaponize. I recommend every book in this site. Have a blessed day. As Salam Alaikum


Thank you

It is truly a book that opens my mind.


Thank you so much

If u have doubts about islam, after reading this all of them will be clearly solved.

Jamal M.

Must Read

I always had interest on searching for topics like. I don't want to spoil anything to anyone but I will say these: This book and books in this site have to be given a listen or read. Book covers are well designed and the content is undeniably interesting. Either you are Muslim, Christian, Atheist etc. you must give a chance to read these books. Alhamdulillah these gave me a really nice perspective on life. May Allah bless you all brothers and sisters.

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