The Proof of Prophethood
Author: Imâm-ı Rabbânî Ahmed Fârûkî
Format: eBooks
Publisher: Hakikat Kitabevi
Category: Belief and Islam
Language: English
Length: 144 page,  3-5 hours

In this precious book written by Imâm-ı Rabbânî Ahmed Fârûkî Serhendi, one of the greatest savants of Islam, explained are the proof of Prophethood, the special features of a Prophet that distinguish him from other men, a miracle, the Prophethood of Muhammad ׳alayhissalâm. In addition to this, the lives of great savants of Islam such as Sayyed Abdülhakîm-i Arvâsî, Sayyed Fehîm-i Arvâsî, Sayyed Tâhâ-i Hakkârî and Hüseyn Hilmi bin Sa’id Effendi are briefly narrated.

To explain the Existence and Oneness of Allâhu ta’âlâ and the way to believe in prophets, Islamic scholars wrote many books in almost every language. Among the ones that have been written in a compendious, explicit and comprehensible style so as to remove doubts and misgivings, the Arabic book Ithbât an-nubuwwa is very useful. The great Islamic scholar al-Imâm ar-Rabbânî Ahmad al-Fârûqî (quddisa sirruh) wrote this book when he was eighteen years old. It contains ions made by him and their explanations from the last part of the book Sharh-i Mawâqif. It was first published together with its Urdu translation in Pakistan. Al-Imâm ar-Rabbânî was born in the city of Sirhind, India, in 971 H. (Hijrî) (1564 A.D.) and passed away there in 1034 H. (1625 A.D.).

Sühan Kaya

The Real Form of Love

Our beloved prophet "sallallahu alayhi ve sallam" was a perfect person. He was full of the best qualities, his life was fraught with danger but he insisted on the beauty, and continued his holy invitations. I am so thankful that I have gained a chance to read his life. Therefore I have learned much more things about his perfect life-style. I have learned what is love and devotion... I have learned that there is sonething more than a love between mother and the child, or between two lovers. This is the purest love that is coming Allahu Teala to everywhere to every person regardless of their nation, identity, lineage etc. Only neccessity to benefit HIS most merciful love is becoming ready and preparing the soul to receive his love. Our prophet taught his umma to do this. He is the apple of our eyes He is the pearl in the darkest oceans. We have to learn to love his life and obeying his rules. The real love is this...



This book inspires me a lot


Very good

One of the most beatiful books I have ever read


Great book

It is an excellent book for the muslims and the other people. When u read the book u will understand Muhammed aleyhisselam in the right way. U recognise the proofs that he is the prophet for muslims and also all humans. And the last prophet till the last day. Also u learn how a person should be when u read about him.

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