A Biography of Imâm-i-Rabbânî
Author: Hüseyn Hilmi Işık
Format: eBooks
Publisher: Hakikat Kitabevi
Category: Biography
Language: English
Length: 23 page,  46-60 min.

Great Walîs such as Mawlânâ Ahmad Nâmiqî Jâmi and Halîlullah-i-Bedahshî had foretold the advent of Imâm-i-Rabbânî ‘quiddisa sirruh’. In fact, our master, the Messenger of Allah ‘sall- Allâhu alaihi wa sallam’ had given the good news that he would come. The hadîth-i-sherîf expressing this good news is written in the book Jam’ul jawâmî’, by Imâm-i-Suyûtî, who quotes it from Ibni Mes’ûd Abd-ur Rahmân ibni Yezîd, and who quotes it from hadrat Jâbir ‘radiy-Allâhu anhum’. The hadîth-i-sherîf purports: “From among my Ummat (Muslims), someone called Sila will appear. Many, many people will enter Paradise through his shafâ’at (intercession).” ‘Sila’ means ‘conjoiner’, ‘uniter’, ‘unifier’. Later, he was called so on account of his unifying two branches of knowledge, i.e. Tasawwuf and Fiqh. Scholars contemporary with him addressed him with this nickname. As a matter of fact, in a letter he wrote to his son Muhammad Ma’thûm ‘quddisa sirruh’, he says, “I pay my hamd (gratitude, laud and praise) to my Rabb (Allâhu ta’âlâ), who has made me a sila between two oceans.”


Great book about one of the greatest islamic scholars of all time.


Imam Rabbani is one of the most famous savant in islamic literature. People in his centuriy said that he is a savant and sufi who comes for 1000 years.



Imam-i Rabbani... i love him so much Can't wait to read this book

Zeynep H O

Very precious

I'm so happy for being aware of this book


You must read

Each muslim has to read this book for endless serenity


This book will be very good This book will be very good for your soul. your soul.

Dilaray Kübra şahin


We learned lots of good information for this book. Everyone can must read because of good thinks than you


Imamı Rabbani is one of the biggest islamic sufi and scholar. He had thousands of students and touched millions of people since his age till know. When u read his letters it gives u the love of God. U will be a better person. I advice everyone to read and get benefit.

Ali ilker Yuceer

I recommend everyone to read this book.

To love as you know, to benefit as you love.


Very helpful information. Thanks for supply such a service.

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