Author: Hüseyn Hilmi Işık
Format: Audiobooks
Publisher: Hakikat Kitabevi
Category: Other Religions and Islam
Language: English
Length: 336 page,  8-12 hours

Islam that abrogated celestial religions of Judaism and Christianity along with their validity is explained first. That Qur’an-ı Karîm is word of Allah; miracles of Muhammad ׳alayhissalâm, his virtues, moral practices and habits; how to be a true Muslim; a comparison of Islam and Christianity; that Muslims are scientifically powerful; are explained next.

Read this book slowly and with reflection! Encourage others to read it, too! An ignorant person cannot be a good Muslim. Indeed, it is impossible for a person not to attach all his heart to Islam after learning its fundamentals. After reading this book, you will also realize what a lofty, sacred, logical, and perfect religion Islam is, and you will attach all your heart and soul to it in order to attain salvation and repose in this world and in the hereafter.


Nothing is as it seems

Hallo my name is Albert Im Germany Im 22 y.o and Im studying politics in college and I chose a subject about muslims I know maybe it is not politic subject but I wanted to search about it because lot of people thinks muslims r terrorist and bad people etc. and also the press(media) making lots of news about muslims they write .... muslim attacked to a church , Terrorist attack etc. and they showed Terrorist groups as a muslim because they wanted to make people say 'muslims are killers' whatever when I started to read this book and I also read their other books I started to learn the truth and some of u will say ' how do u know that this book is explaining truth' I know because its explaining everything it answers every question and its a map if u want to find the treasure u have to read the map and if u read wrong map u cant find the treasure. They always blamed muslims because they scared , yes they scared because people started to find the treasure(the Truth) lot of people became muslim and there will be more. Im still reading these books Im not muslim not yet but I really learned things , things that u cant buy with money. And I spoke with some muslims they r perfect people there is no evil inside their hearts. And also I learned that Islam mean 'Peace' and there is no racism in their religion they r all equal. I hope u will learn the truth. Nothing is as it seems / Nichts ist so wie es scheint

Seyhan Y

I recommend this book

I highly recommend this book to every christain. It contains very important information and explains why the christianity of today is not the religion that was brought by Jesus (peace be upon him).

John Edward

When I read this book I realized how Christianitiy was corrupted and what a pure and clean religion Islam


This book explains in detail why islam is the right religion in the world. I am exteremely advice this book to all people.


Tnank you.

An incrediable valuable book.A must read book.


Thank you

Finally, I found a resource where I can learn Islam correctly.


In the book it is very good explanations about islam and cristianity. When u read the book u will understand cristianity was right religion. And it is destroyed after Chris. Islam is sent by Muhammed Aleyhisselam and contains the right path of cristianity and it is the only way to go janna to be muslim till the last day. Thanks for the book to the web site.



Someone I know recommended this book to me. I read for her. But I wish I had read before It was a very impressive book. I can't wait to read other books in the series.


If u have a doubt about islam and cristianity, u have to read this book. After u finished u see a new and bright way in front of u. U will understand islam is the right region for u and all of the humanity.

Jörg Klausnitzer

Gut lesbare Übersetzung

Mir gefällt diese Gegenüberstellung Christentum-Islam sehr gut. Der Schrifsteller verfügt über ein sehr vertieftes Wissen über beide Religionen und gibt detalliert zahlreiche nützliche Hintergrund-Informationen in vielen Fußnoten. So kann man diese Gegenüberstellungen auch als "Außenstehender" gut lesen und selbst deuten. Übrigens kostenlos über die Homepage zu bestellen. Alles Gute aus Bregenz, Österreich. Jörg Klausnitzer

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