Author: Hüseyn Hilmi Işık
Format: Audiobooks
Publisher: Hakikat Kitabevi
Category: Belief and Islam
Language: English
Length: 6 page,  12 min.

Sins are not exempted from being sins if they are committed with or without a good intention. The hadîth, “Actions are good or bad depending on the intention,” declares that the tâ’at and mubâh actions will be given rewards in accordance with the intention. If a person, in order to please someone, offends another person, or if he gives alms from someone else’s property, or if he builds mosques or schools with harâm money, he will not be given rewards. It will be ignorance to expect rewards for these efforts...


I a read this, its very nice

Michael George

thank you so much

One of my favorite audio

Yussif Alhassan Abdul Rahim

Thanks you very much

well explained, may Almighty Allah bless you.

David Murray

The man and his soul.

Thank you for this book that describes man and his life purpose so well.




Sheikh Shadi


ALHAMDULILLAH... May ALLAH Subhanahu wata'ala bless, guide and protect all of you and your families for great endeavours (gofreebooks audio publicity) to spreading the True message of ISLAM... dispelling the MISCONCEPTIONS and ISLAMOPHOBIA... refuting the ALLEGATIONS and PROPAGANDA against ISLAM,all through the best job,advocating/preaching PEACE and HUMANITY around the globe 🌎🌍 AMEEN

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