Author: Hüseyn Hilmi Işık
Format: Audiobooks
Publisher: Hakikat Kitabevi
Category: Snapshots
Language: English
Length: 1 page,  1-2 min.

Question: Is it disbelief to say, "One must not say 'Ameen' for an unacceptable du'a"? 


Dont die before read these books

I read all of these books and I found the true way, true side and I send this website link to all of my family members and all of my friends I hope they will find the true religion and they will become muslim. I dont know how to thank to these writers I always pray for them after my namaz Im reading these books to my kids and after I read to them I went to bathroom and I cryed , I cryed because I remembered my past life , then I repentance again I hope u will find the true way take care brother/sister


The books are informative and un-put-ddownable in such a rare way you don't usually come across.Quite impressed how they don't get boring.

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