I lived my 27 years for NOTHING!
My old name was Jack Jordan, my friends used to call me 'JJ' and my current name is Junayd Bilal.
I lived my 27 years for NOTHING!
My old name was Jack Jordan, my friends used to call me 'JJ' and my current name is Junayd Bilal. I use my second name 'Bilal'. I'm 34 y.o I get into prison 10 years ago when I was 24 and reason is that I punched a police officer, in my country all of the police officers see us like we are criminals like we can stab someone anytime (you can guess where I'm from), so one day I was walking with my friends and a cop stopped me (by the way I'm a black man and my friends were white so he just stopped me not them) and he started to ask questions and he wanted my ID and I gave it to him and I said “Im done with this ... You’re doing this every time and he yelled at me and he said 'shut the.... n***' yea he said the "n" word to me and I punched him then the other officers came and arrested me and they also shot me. So that's why his purpose was making me angry and it was to make me hit him as I did and it wasn't hard for them to piss me off because I had some anger control problems and I was using medicines.
After I get into the prison I tried to join a gang for protection and they gave me missions to earn their trust, whatever my first 3 year was a mess, I fought many times with gangs, I got beat by guards and my anger started to get bigger, in my fourth year I started to go the library and I started to read books also I quit my gang one day I was looking for a new book and I saw a book called 'Islam and Christianity' and I took that book and I started to read it and when I read a couple of pages and I started to wonder, after 6 months of reading and searching I become a Muslim and I learned how to salat and I learned prayers, and I become a completely different person, guards, my cellmates and everybody was looking at me like I'm a new guy. If you ask me what kind of a person I was before I become Muslim and after I become a Muslim, I was angry I had no purpose I was just hanging around and messing with gangs but after I become Muslim I found peace, I found my purpose, and I regret every moment that I lived before I become Muslim. In Islam there is no racism there are no levels about people, everyone is the same everyone is equal it doesn't matter what your color is or how much you rich.
I'm writing this the day I left the prison and I'm crying while I'm writing this. I lived my 27 years for NOTHING !! I don't want anyone to live this.
When I become a Muslim chose a Muslim name, I chose Junayd because it's similar to Jordan well not that similar but :) I chose Bilal because there was a man called Hadrat Bilal-i Habashi “ Radiy-Allahu ‘anh” and he is was a black man who is slave, day couple of bad people were torturing him, they laid him down and put a big rock to his back while the sunlight burning his skin, the rock was crushing his back and a man called Hadrat Abu Bakr a “Radiy-Allahu ‘anh” he was one of the first believers to Islam, he came to him and call to the group that throws stones at Bilal-i Habashi and said them "give me that man and I will give you money for him, and he gave a lot of money to release him and people were so surprised because he gave a lot of money for just a slave. Hadrat Bilal-i Habashi became a Muslim and our beloved prophet Hadrat Muhammed “Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa âlihî wa sallam” gave him a job to call people to salat ' Adhan ' and his voice could be heard for miles and his voice was perfect and gives people peace. So that is why I chose Bilal name, this is my life story I hope you will find your purpose too.
I want to thank Gofreebooks because they send me books and they helped me to learn more, to learn correctly. You can read the books on this website and I recommend you to read them and find your purpose.