How I Succeeded in Changing Myself To a Worshipping Muslim: 

How I Succeeded in Changing Myself To a Worshipping Muslim: 

For many years I have been wasting more than half of...


How I Succeeded in Changing Myself To a Worshipping Muslim: 

For many years I have been wasting more than half of my day wasting my time on useless things. And I was not feeling any regret for doing this. I had no thoughts about the next world. I didn’t understand the essence of obeying Islam. My parents were working hard so I could be a good worshipping muslim. 

However, I am not the same anymore. I found a treasure that changed my perspective, my ideas and gave me a desire to obey Islam. It inspired me to act the way Allahu Taala orders. I know that you are starting to wonder what this treasure is. Now I will tell you how all this happened. 

All of this change started one day when I started reading the book “the rising and the hereafter” which is located on When I started to learn about the hereafter, the day of rising, and death my thoughts started to change. Especially the part where it tells the moment of qiyama affected me the most. If you have time please don't hesitate to read this book, it might change your life forever too. 

When I read the part about the moment of qiyama I got very emotional. I was feeling that very same moment. The more I got in to the book the more I started to distance from worldly matters that Allahu Taala doesn’t like. 

Here is one part of the book where it mentions about the moment of qiyama. 

When Allahu Taala decrees that the qiyama must happen after the sur (A trumpeting sound that at its first sound every living being will die. At the second sound all will be resuscitated.) is blown, mountains fly and drift like clouds. The seas overflow, one onto another. The suns radiance decreases until the sun becomes pitch black. Mountains turn into dust. Worlds become jumbled up with one another. Stars disperse like a broken string of pearls. The skies dissolve like attar of roses and spin like a mill which moves violently. They now become a ball and then flatten out completely. Allahu Taala commands that the skies should be broken into pieces. In the seven layers of earth and in the seven layers of the skies and in the Kursî (part of the skies outside the seventh sky and inside the Arsh, which is the end of matter bordering the skies), there is now no one left alive. Everyone is dead; as for spiritual beings, their souls have abandoned them. All beings are dead. on the earth there is no stone left on top of another. In the skies there is no one left alive. 

This part is enough to give you a glimpse of how my enormous change happened because it gave fear in to my heart. However, there is still more in the book and the more you learn the more you start to fear from committing sins, doing evil, and wasting your life on useless matters. 

I also have some important advice which I learned: 

Firstly, don't attach your heart to worldly things because if you do you might end up changing to a person which Allahu Taala doesn't like. Everything that makes you forget Allahu Taala is worldly.  This doesn’t mean to do nothing for this world because Islam commands to work and earn halal. Always try to remember Allahu Taala and his beloved human creatures. Because doing so is the key to having a comfortable life on this world and a to attain endless blessings and happiness in the next. 

Also, work hard to learn more about Islam. It is one of the best ways to not be deceived by evil and corrupt people. Otherwise, you might end up in one of the deviated paths and be a person whom Allahu Taala doesn't like.  Learning is a difficult process, but being without knowledge would make you fall for the traps of disbelievers. 

There's too much to tell about but I have to go on working on learning more about our religion so I can serve Islam in the future like you. All of the things I learned are from the books which are located on this site and are totally free. You might doubt at first, but believe me none of the words in this book is made up because all of the information in these books are from Islamic scholars. Moreover, every sentence written has been provided with a source. For example, the book “the rising and the hereafter” is one of the books of Imam-al Ghazali. And about Imam-al Ghazali, he is a great Islamic scholar who has constantly written day and night for all of his life. He has written so many books that when his life is divided, for each day on average he has written 18 pages. He has exposed the forgotten knowledge of religion, he explained them and taught them to everyone.    

 Lastly, I am so thankful to Allahu Taala for these books and the people who gave it. Because it saved me from spending time on empty and useless things, which gave me the opportunity to work for Allahu Taala's sake. Inshallah gofreebook’s aim to spread Islam will inspire others to do the same and will reach every single human being.
